Meet Karen

Meet Karen

While Karen's time on earth is over, her work is NOT DONE.

When Karen died in 2021, her novel Redemption was almost finished. Unfortunately, she ran out of time. Friends from her writers group pulled the chapters together and completed it at the request of her sister, Ruth. Look at the photos below to see Karen and Ruth as well as Karen's editor friends Don and Leah.

Early Years

Grew up in New Jersey

Karen and Rugh Starkins as children dressed up on Easter

Karen & her sister Ruth on Easter

Girl Scout Camp Canoe Instructor

Karen as an enthusiastic canoe instructor

Karen is the Enthusiastic Middle Instructor

Pasacack Valley Newspaper Reporter

Karen wearing a nice outfit on her first job

First Job as a Reporter

Champion of the Environment, Human Rights, and her Beloved Cats

Enjoyed Living in Colorado

Karen sitting on a rock overlooking a Colorado valley

Appreciated Hiking, Camping, and Gardening

Went to the Women's March

Ruth and Karen as sisters on the Women's March in Washington D.C.

Ruth & Karen in Washington D.C.

Volunteered at the Cat Care Society

Karen volunteering with the Cat Care Society

Saved, Adopted, and Fostered Many Cats

Gone But Not Forgotten

Forget-Me-Nots to signify Karen is gone but not forgotten

Last Days in the Hospital

Karen in the hospital fighting cancer

Upbeat Even With Cancer

Retirement Party During COVID

Don and Leah who edited the book and Karen at her retirement party

Don, Leah, & Karen,
Writers Group Friends

View From Where Karen's Ashes Reside

View where Karen's ashes were spread

Rocky Mountain National Park

Read Karen's Book